Plantur 39 Shampoo and Tonic: What are your experiences with them?

During menopause, there is a drop in estrogen and other hormones, which can affect the quality and appearance of hair. They can thin, fall out, and lose their fullness, beauty, and shine. Can using Plantur 39 shampoo and tonic be the solution to this problem?

Estrogen has a great influence on both female reproductive functions and our appearance. As a result of the drop in hormones, our skin and hair suffer, as they lose volume and may begin to visibly thin. And, of course, we don’t like that. But how do you solve it?

One of the possible variants is anti-hair loss shampoos, which include the quite well-known Plantur 39. However, their effect can be supported by a well-chosen tonic, which can be part of the same cosmetic line.

Plantur 39 promote hair growth, as advertised

But does Plantur 39 promote hair growth, as advertised?

Plantur 39 shampoo

Probably the most well-known product from the Plantur range is the Plantur 39 shampoo, which is suitable for perimenopausal and menopausal women who experience the first deterioration in the quality of their hair. So you can reach for it, especially when you are troubled by fine and weakening hair, which can react in this way to hormonal changes.

Hair should be stronger and more voluminous with regular use, leaving you feeling beautiful and well-groomed again. It should also prevent hair thinning and hair loss. The main active ingredient in its formulation is caffeine.

Plantur 39 tonic

To make the effect of using this shampoo as visible as possible, the manufacturer recommends that women also use the special Plantur 39 phyto-caffeine tonic.

Its main advantages include:

  • Hair protection and growth support
  • Reduction of hair loss due to menopause
  • Activation of hair follicles
  • Blood supply to the scalp
  • Preventing moisture loss

Where can they be bought?

Plantur 39 cosmetic products can traditionally be found, for example, in pharmacies and good drugstores. As such, these are incredibly reasonably priced goods.

The price is, as expected, a little higher, in the range of 250-300. On the other hand, many women are satisfied with these products and, according to them, the price is completely justified.

Customer satisfaction

When we look at the Heureka product comparison tool, we see that both Plantur 39 cosmetic products have a very high rating, which indicates that they are high-quality care products.

About the shampoo, women say that:

  • He helps them
  • It is fully functional
  • Their hair falls out less
  • They have been using this shampoo for several years and are extremely satisfied with it
  • They can also recommend him to others

They then mention about the tonic that:

  • The hair appears better.
  • In their opinion, it is an excellent product
  • It works as it should
  • They are completely satisfied and the product fulfills what it promises
  • It is quite clear from the above that you can’t go wrong with their purchase either.

Are just cosmetics enough?

While hair care is important, keep in mind that beautiful hair needs even more. You can also try hair vitamins, which may contain a variety of minerals and herbs to support the skin and nails.

It also helps when:

  • You will regularly massage your scalp
  • You will limit heat styling
  • You will reduce staining and bleaching
  • You watch out for stress

Do you also have a positive experience with Plantur 39 cosmetics that you would like to share with us?

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