This way, You Can Get Any Hair Problem Under Control

Hair loss, thin hair, or just too oily? With these hair care and styling tips, you can get every hair problem solved!

There is the right hair care product for every hair problem. But before you start choosing the right products, there is one main question:

How often should I wash my hair?

The basic rule is: as often as necessary, but as little as possible.
In plain language, this means that washing every day is okay. However, it is important to use a pH-neutral shampoo that exactly suits your hair type.

Under no circumstances should you wash your hair with shampoo several times a day, as this puts enormous strain on the scalp and forelock. If you have washed in the morning and go to exercise in the evening and then want to wash your hair, water alone is enough to remove the sweat.

With the right care, oily hair stays fresh longer.

All hair gets greasy at some point. But if your hair looks stringy again just a few hours after washing, you have oily hair.

What are the causes of greasy hair in men?

Oily hair in men can have many causes. Genes often play a role. Your scalp produces more oil than other people’s. But hormonal changes, such as during puberty, and bad habits can also trigger greasy hair: If you run your hands through your hair frequently, you stimulate sebum production and spread dirt from your fingers into your hair. You shouldn’t be surprised by greasy hair.

What can men do about greasy hair?

If the sebaceous glands on your head are hyperactive, mild anti-grease shampoos usually help quickly and effectively. They contain a high concentration of detergent substances, so-called surfactants, but there are deliberately no moisturizing ingredients in them.

If the cause of your oily hair is increased sweating or running your hand through your hair, shampoos for oily hair are of little use. Then mild shampoos for daily washing promise to help. Men with oily hair should avoid using conditioner altogether or only use it on the ends, which is difficult with short hair.

What is the best way for men to style oily hair?

Try a dry shampoo: The fine powder particles absorb excess oil and are then combed out again; the hair gets a grip. If you struggle with thin hair, you should use volumizing powder. Simply apply it to your fingertips, rub it briefly, and then gently massage it into the hairlines. This gives the hair strength and conceals a slight greasy shine.

Intensive hair care makes dry hair supple.

The opposite of oily hair: if your hair is wiry and unruly and only starts to look stringy days after washing, you have dry hair.

What are the causes of dry hair in men?

Dry hair often looks fluffy, strawy, and dull. This may be because the sebaceous glands on your head don’t produce enough oil. When hair is damaged, for example, by the sun or hair coloring, the hair loses moisture because the protective cuticle layer of the hair has broken down.

What can men do about dry hair?

Shampoos, especially for dry hair, contain less drying foam and more moisturizing substances. Proteins fill up porous areas and protect against further drying out. Treat your hair to a conditioner after every shampoo. The moisturizers and repair substances it contains form a very fine protective film around each hair, repairing breaks and smoothing the cuticle.

Grooming tip: A pea-sized dab of body lotion in towel-dried hair is also helpful when out and about.

How do you style dry hair correctly?

If possible, only use alcohol-free styling products. because alcohol dries you out. Hair wax is generally better for dry hair than gel. If you blow-dry a lot to style your hair, you should apply heat protection to your hair beforehand and set the hairdryer to a low temperature.

This is what fine hair looks like more.

Fine hair lies closer to the scalp, appears weak, and becomes greasy more quickly. For men with thin hair, volume shampoos are the best choice. When styling, products with a fluffing effect help to make the hair look longer.

What are the causes of fine hair?

Men with fine hair often worry that they have less hair than others.

The hair diameter is only smaller; on average, it is between 0.05 and 0.07 millimeters. Anything below that is called thin hair. Genes are to blame. How thick the individual hairs grow from the head is determined by their genetic makeup.

Full hair with the right nutrition

How do men properly care for fine hair?

Be sure to wash fine hair with special volumizing shampoos. They contain polymers that coat each hair and thus artificially thicken it. Ceramides and panthenol settle into gaps in the hair shaft, making hair healthier and more voluminous.

Do you also suffer from dandruff or dry hair? Then choose a shampoo tailored to this problem, i.e., a product specifically for fine hair with an anti-dandruff effect or a shampoo for fine hair that provides a lot of moisture.

How do you style fine hair to make it look like it has more?

For styling thin hair, for example, hair powder from shaker cans that is massaged into the hairline can be used. Hair wax or gel weighs down fine hair and is therefore not a good choice.
Grooming tip: Blow-dry your hair in the opposite direction in which you want to wear it later. This creates stability at the roots and makes the hair appear fuller.

Men Proper hair care
Proper hair care helps if your head is slowly thinning. Photo:

Proper care can reduce hair loss.

Half of men over the age of 20 have to expect to lose their hair. Although 100 hairs a day is normal, only when the number is noticeably higher should you think about ways and means to combat hair loss.

What are the reasons for thinning hair?

Genes are often to blame. But stress, certain medications, or a lack of nutrients can also be responsible. Be sure to have the causes clarified by a doctor. He can also prescribe special medication to combat hair loss.

Which hair care products help against hair loss?

Shampoos against hair loss stimulate blood circulation but only work properly in combination with hair tonics containing caffeine. They can supply blood to deeper layers of the scalp so that follicles that are still active can produce stronger hair, resulting in a fuller hair appearance. You can also apply medical foam with the active ingredient minoxidil (from the pharmacy) in the evening.

Just be patient; results will only appear after six months. Also effective: regular head massages.

How do men style their hair when it becomes thinner?

Best with a mattifying styling paste. Rub a pea-sized dab into the palms of your hands and spread the product into the spaces between your fingers. Then run your fingers into the hair from below and fluff it up, so to speak. Accentuate a few strands, and you’re done. Many men make the mistake of simply brushing the product on top. As a result, the hair is pressed flat against the head and looks even less.

Still have questions? To answer everything about hair and scalp once and for all, we have put together this topic special for you. So, click through the following articles, read everything carefully, and tackle your hair problems!
