Hot Men’s Hairstyles That Women Love

Already knew? Your hairstyle influences how well you are received by women. These three styles make you particularly sexy

To end up with the female gender, it’s worth taking a look in the mirror and taking a closer look at your hairstyle. Of course, the inner values ​​count. But the truth is that women classify you as a stereotype based on your haircut.

The good news: It’s not that complicated. A study by the “Wahl Clipper Corporation” examined exactly that. The result: women love classic looks. What exactly does that look like? You’ll look particularly good with these three hairstyles:

1: Men score points with women with side partings

With a classic side parting and a hint of a quiff, you can easily wrap women around your finger. Because it makes you appear intelligent, courteous, and confident. And that works! The female gender assumes that this look means a man with a successful job. Whoever then holds the door open or helps the lady out of her jacket fits the pattern perfectly.

What do I say to my hairdresser?

To achieve the woman’s favorite look, the hair on the sides is cut shorter and the top hair is left longer. But it has nothing to do with the undercut. The transitions are soft, and the hair on the side sections is not simply shaved to one length.

How do I style the hairstyle?

Style the top hair upwards with hair wax. We recommend, for example, the Natural Wax from Santé. Your loved one is welcome to mess it up. Women love that too. By the way, this look is also one of the best hairstyles for a receding hairline.

2: Women love ultra-short men’s hairstyles

The super short crew cut, or crew cut in German, is also very popular with ladies. The best proof that women are weakened by men with ultra-short hair is former “Sexiest Men Alive” Channing Tatum. The word has probably gotten around.

Women love ultra-short men's hairstyles
Short hair is very popular with ladies. Photo: Parker Whitson /

After all, the classic can already be seen on many men’s heads. Anyone who wears this hairstyle appears trustworthy, intelligent, and reliable. Just like someone in whose arms a woman wants to fall.

According to the study, especially if they are between 18 and 34 years old, they embody the image of a man who can tackle things and also supports his loved ones as a do-it-yourselfer.

What do I tell my hairdresser?

For the look, the hair on the sides is shortened to around 15 millimeters. From the ear upwards, they become longer and longer, so that the top hair is the longest. The hairstyle can even be cut with a machine. But if you are not familiar with it, it is worth making an appointment with a professional. After all, you want to impress women with your hairstyle, and you don’t want the cut to look like an accident.

How do I style the hairstyle? Rub a dollop of styling cream in your hands and run your fingers through the top hair. You’re done!

3: You can turn women’s heads with messy, messy hairstyles

The wilder the better: This hairstyle can look a little like you just jumped out of bed; the idea makes the ladies want more. Women of all ages would get involved with a man who wore this hairstyle.

women's heads with messy messy hairstyles
Messy hair is well-received by women. Photo: Jonathan Zerger /

This is probably also due to the rock star image they associate with it. But no matter whether you can sing or not, you’ll look attractive with a fuzzy head either way. The disheveled hair makes you look lovable, relaxed, and interesting.

What do I tell my hairdresser? Caution: The fuzzy look has absolutely nothing to do with “being unkempt.”. A cut is also part of this hairstyle. The ears are cut free. The top hair and the upper sides are always left a little longer so that the hair falls casually.

How do I style the hairstyle? The nice thing about longer hair is that you can just as easily wear the mat with a side parting away from your face and have a completely different look. No matter which version you choose, it has to look a bit “messy.”. To do this, simply run your hands casually through your hair now and then. This makes women even wilder.

It’s better not to cut your hair too short

According to the study, those who wear their entire hair shortened to a few millimeters exude self-confidence, trust, and assertiveness, but only score points with 1 in 5 women. And only for those between the ages of 40 and 60. Sure, maybe a short haircut like this is practical. But that’s it. For those who aren’t blessed with a full head of hair, it’s still better to shave it all off.

Conclusion: With the right hairstyle, you will be better received

Basically, with short hair, you are well-received by women. The forelock shouldn’t be too short, because many women love to stroke through men’s shaggy hair—or when he wears his hair elegantly parted.
