Stop Hair Loss: This is How You Prevent Baldness

Find out what types of hair loss there are, whether you have hair loss and what really helps with impending baldness

If you look in the mirror and see a receding hairline and the beginnings of a bald head, your good mood is over. For many men, hair loss is like losing their potency. Even in the Bible, Samson lost his superhuman strength when his hair was cut off. So that today’s guys don’t feel that way, around 200 million euros for hair care products go over the checkout counters of cosmetic stores every year.

How much hair loss is normal?

Half of men over the age of 20 have to expect to lose their hair. Losing up to 100 hairs a day is not a reason to panic, but rather completely normal. Only when this amount is significantly exceeded over a longer period of time is it medically referred to as pathological hair loss.

So that you don’t have to pull out the remaining hair, we have put together the best methods, active ingredients, and remedies for hair loss in men for you and informed you about the latest scientific status on laser therapy against hair loss and hair transplantation technologies.

What types of hair loss are there?

There are three particularly common forms of hair loss in men: genetic hair loss, circular hair loss and diffuse hair loss.

Below, we will explain how you can tell which form you are suffering from and what can help.

1: Genetic hair loss in men

Doctors call it androgenetic alopecia; for those affected, it is a receding hairline and the circular tonsure on the back of the head, which are slowly but surely moving towards each other—in short: male pattern baldness.

The masculine thing about it?

Genetic hair loss
Genetic hair loss usually becomes noticeable in your twenties. Photo: Phim Sri /

The cause of the continuous hair loss is the male sex hormone testosterone or its breakdown product dihydrotestosterone (DHT): Testosterone is broken down into dihydrotestosterone in the scalp. It shortens the growth phase of the hair until the follicles, the growth engines for the hair, finally die.

The result: the hair thins.

With a 95 percent probability, DHT is the most common cause of hair loss in men. Genetically caused hair loss usually begins between the ages of 20 and 30. Depending on your personal genetic makeup, the hair on your head only begins to thin on the forehead or the back of your head. Complete baldness rarely develops; a fringe of hair often remains on the back of the head.

Do you want to know what you will look like when you get older? Then it helps to take a look at the ancestral gallery: your hair loss is often similar to that of your father and grandfather. Three factors determine the course of the disease: heredity, age and the sensitivity of the follicles to male hormones. “According to statistics, 60 percent of all Central Europeans have to expect thin hair or baldness,” says dermatologist Hans Wolff from the Ludwig-Maximilians- University in Munich.

By the way: The extent of hair loss is not related to the natural level of the male hormone testosterone: bald heads are no more potent than full-haired people. However, they usually tend to have increased body hair.

2: Circular hair loss in men

A widespread and rapid loss of hair occurs in the so-called alopecia areata, circular hair loss. Identifying signs are circular gaps in the hair that are approximately the size of a coin. It occurs in one to two percent of hair loss cases and can even affect children.

circular hair loss
With circular hair loss, gaps the size of a coin are created. Photo: Alex Papp /

Particularly insidious: It occurs when people are completely healthy and sometimes not only the head is affected, but also other body hair, such as beard, eyelashes or genital hair. If you’re unlucky, you’ll suddenly find yourself completely hairless.

The good news: With circular hair loss, the follicles do not die, they simply stop growing. Hair can grow back at any time and without any therapy. It is believed that a malfunction of the immune system plays a role in circular hair loss. Defense cells are misdirected and target components of the hair. The result is that the hair roots become paralyzed.

Genes also play a role here: circular hair loss occurs frequently in affected families, often together with neurodermatitis, hay fever, vitiligo or thyroid disorders. If you’re also interested: This helps with gray hair

3: Diffuse hair loss in men

Regardless of age and hormone levels, diffuse hair loss ( effluvium diffusum ) can occur. It is typical for a rapid onset without any particular localization. There are no receding hairlines or circular bald spots here; the hair becomes thinner all over the head.

diffuse hair loss
Is your hair becoming thinner overall? Then we speak of diffuse hair loss. Photo: Diego Cervo /

The causes that drive hair from growth into the resting phase and from the head after a few weeks are not 100 percent scientifically clear. Possible causes include fever attacks (above 39 degrees Celsius), flu-like infections or chronic inflammation, which usually precede hair loss by a few months. In addition to health, the lack of protein or trace elements can also lead to an undersupply of important nutrients – especially iron or zinc – to the hair roots in the long term. Likewise, intolerance to medication can force the hair to escape from the scalp. In addition, psychological causes are also triggers for diffuse hair loss. Many sufferers report that stress led to the loss of their fuzzy head.

Typically, the clearing on the head does not begin until a few months after the triggering event. So if you want to know what is causing your sudden hair loss, you have to develop your detective instinct.

Other causes of hair loss in men:

  • It’s not just androgens, the male hormones, that can cause deforestation. You can also leave your hair when doping anabolic steroids to improve performance or gain muscle.
  • Fungal infections on the scalp disrupt hair growth.
  • Are you suffering from a lot of stress? Get more peace of mind. Because stress can also lead to (usually temporary) hair loss.
  • A one-sided diet low in vitamins and nutrients affects the hair roots. Particularly important for hair growth: iron, zinc, biotin, omega-3 fatty acids, vitamins A, C and E as well as B3, B6 and B12. In practice this means: lots of vegetables, fish more often and don’t forget the fruit. Positive side effect: Your health also benefits from it.

What helps with hair loss?

As you now know, there are not only different forms of hair loss in men but also numerous causes. So before you rush into the drugstore or pharmacy and invest a lot of money in promising hair growth products, you should clarify the exact cause of your hair loss.

Which doctor do you go to if you have hair loss?

The best addresses for this are hair consultations with hair doctors. For example, they examine the scalp under a microscope, analyze the hair roots (trichogram), take tissue samples (scalp biopsy) and create a hormone status. Using their services is not always covered by health insurance.
Nevertheless, it makes sense to have a precise diagnosis made by a specialist in order to begin optimally tailored therapy. And as early as possible! Even the best therapies can usually only stop hereditary hair loss, but cannot bring back the lost hair.

What really helps against hair loss in men?

Not every hair loss remedy delivers what it promises. However, the following active ingredients and methods to combat hair loss have been scientifically proven.

reverse hair loss
Every man wishes to reverse hair loss. Photo: Nauma/Shutterstock

Redensyl for hereditary hair loss

The newest and most promising active ingredient on the market is the molecule complex Redensyl. Based on the findings of stem cell research, it reactivates inactive cells and stimulates blood circulation, supplying the hair follicles with important nutrients and vitamins.

The first visible successes appear around 6-10 weeks after the start of treatment, but anyone who starts the therapy first needs to have strong nerves: before hair growth starts again, there will be increased hair loss.

This so-called shedding shows that the therapy is working: hair with a short lifespan is shed and makes room for thicker, longer-lasting hair.

Minoxidil for hereditary hair loss

Minoxidil came onto the market in the 1970s as a drug to treat high blood pressure.

Common side effect: increased hair growth. The pharmaceutical industry took advantage of this and developed a 5% minoxidil solution that men apply to their thinning hair twice a day – with scientifically proven success in many, although not all, cases. Today, over-the-counter Minoxidil products are among the most sold anti-hair loss products in pharmacies (a daily dose costs around 1 euro).

Finasteride for hereditary hair loss

The drug has long been considered the gold standard for hair loss. The results were and are impressive. Unfortunately, there are also side effects. Because finasteride has often been associated with depression and erectile dysfunction, the drug now has the “Red Hand Letter”. Be sure to read our article about why finasteride can be dangerous for hair loss.

Topical immunotherapy for circular hair loss

In the case of circular hair loss, the body’s defense system is directed against its hair follicles. Hair growth stops, but the hair root remains. Topical immunotherapy involves targeted contact sensitization of the scalp with diphenylcyprone (DPC) or squaric acid dibutyl ester (SQADBE).

The chemicals are applied to the scalp and are said to trigger an allergy, known as contact dermatitis. The resulting inflammatory reaction is intended to “distract” the immune system so that the hair root can produce hair again. The maximum 2% DPC solution is applied to the scalp once a week in the doctor’s office. Side effects include slight redness and flaking on the treated areas.

“This treatment method is scientifically recognized and is now considered the most successful form of therapy for circular hair loss,” says dermatologist and hair expert Dr. Frank-Matthias Schaart from Hamburg, “The healing rate of this form of therapy is around 40%.” DPC treatment usually lasts 1 to 1.5 years and is gradually discontinued. The costs of around 230 euros per quarter are not covered by all health insurance companies.

Cortisone against hair loss in men

Cortisone suppresses immune reactions and is therefore also used as a remedy against circular hair loss. Hair doctors inject it under the hair roots or prescribe it in tablet form to stop hair loss. However, the relapse rate is very high once it is stopped.

Mesotherapy for diffuse and androgenetic hair loss

“In this form of therapy, highly effective growth factors are injected into the cooled scalp using microfine needles to stimulate new hair growth,” explains Schaart. The procedure is carried out twice a week for a period of up to 6 weeks.

The procedure promises good results, especially for men with diffuse and hereditary hair loss. However, the health insurance companies usually do not pay the costs of around 150 euros per session. We have tested the procedure: Read here how well plasma injections really help against hair loss

Laser for diffuse and hereditary hair loss

Laser therapy options have increased immensely in recent years. In his Hamburg practice, hair doctor Schaart successfully treats men with diffuse and hereditary hair loss using diode lasers. Laser light from the infrared wavelength range is irradiated into the scalp.

This increases blood flow to the hair root and thus its supply of nutrients and energy. “On the one hand, this counteracts hair loss, and on the other hand, a strong activation of new hair growth is achieved,” says Schaart.

A single laser session lasts around 30 minutes and costs around 55 euros. In total, you should expect 6-12 months of treatment with initially 2 sessions per week and later with appointments every 2 weeks.

In the case of circular hair loss, the doctor uses a fractional laser. Schaart: “With its help, the activity of the tiny, complex motor of the hair root is maximally stimulated by micro-fine injury stimuli deep under the scalp, thereby stimulating new hair growth.” Treatments must be carried out every 4 weeks; the costs are between 50 and 350 euros (whole head), depending on the size of the area.

Shampoos and hair tonics with caffeine for fuller hair

High doses of caffeine-containing hair tonics are able to supply blood to deeper layers of the scalp so that still-active follicles can produce stronger hair, resulting in a fuller hair appearance.

The best-known representative of this product group is the caffeine liquid from Alpecin. You can find an overview of other products specifically against hair loss here: The best products against hair loss.

Hair transplant as a last resort

Since men like Jürgen Klopp and Wayne Rooney officially committed to their hair transplants, transplanting their hair has become a serious option for many men with remaining hair (and a lush account).

hair transplant
During a hair transplant, hair from the hairline is transplanted onto the top of the head. Photo: sezer66/Shutterstock

Since hair on the back of the head is less sensitive to hormones, it usually remains despite hair loss. About half of the hair from the hairline can be removed without the loss becoming obvious. The surgeon (now a robot can also do this) transplants healthy hair roots from densely hairy areas on the back of the head further forward.

“The hair transplant is usually carried out on an outpatient basis under local anesthesia and takes 3 to 6 hours,” explains Dr. Frank Neidel, President of the Association of German Hair Surgeons. The costs are between 3,000 and 10,000 euros and are usually not covered by health insurance. Are you interested in the topic? Then be sure to take a look at our test report on a hair transplant .

There are two common hair transplant methods: the removal of hair roots from a narrow strip of skin with hair root separation on a microscope ( strip method ) and the removal of individual hair roots using thin hollow needles ( follicular unit extraction, FUE method ). Both methods have advantages and disadvantages. “Be careful with providers who only advertise one method,” warns Neidel. “An experienced surgeon has mastered all techniques, will be able to determine the best one and justify his decision.”

Since 2015, the FUE method (individual removal) can also be carried out with the help of a robotic system. The advantage of this system is the precise, automated removal of individual hair roots from the hairline. As with any individual removal technique (FUE), the removal area must be shaved over a large area to a hair length of 1 mm.

Neidel: “This technique is usually ruled out for most women or for managers and executives who don’t want to suddenly appear bald at work. Especially young men aged 20-30 who have an ‘undercut’ or ‘bald head’ wear, benefit from this technology.”

20% of all hair transplants worldwide are now carried out using the FUE harvesting technique, and 80% of all patients are treated using strip harvesting.

Important: Be sure to seek out a specialist who is recognized (approved) by the medical association and who, if possible, carries out hair transplants on a daily basis. “It’s also very important to get advice from your doctor and ask about training and further education,” advises Neidel. If you are unsure, get a second opinion. If you’re still not sure, it’s better to wear a toupee – or a bald head!

Is a toupee really an option?

Do you remember André Agassi, how he played his Grand Slam tournaments with a long, wild mane of hair and a headband? What no one knew at the time was that the hair was wrong and the tennis professional was wearing toupees.

In his biography “Open”, he impressively describes what it felt like during sweaty games, as well as his fear of losing the hairpiece during a match. It’s a good thing that toupees have developed further in recent years, so that wearing toupees can be comfortable even for athletes. The advantages are: no health risk as with a hair transplant, zero side effects as with tablets or tinctures against hair loss.

These two methods achieve amazingly real effects:

  • Artfully braided Making an invisible wig begins with a plaster cast of your head. Based on this impression, specialists create a fine mesh that lies on the head like a second skin. This ensures that the hair replacement fits like a tailor-made suit. Thousands of hairs are woven into the net, the color patterns of which are exactly matched to your hair color. In Germany, this technology is known under the names Skinlight and Sensigraft.
  • Connected to the scalp in a skin-friendly way: To ensure that the hairpiece holds, the scalp is shaved smoothly in the area to be filled. The professionals at OC Hairsystems leave as much of their hair as possible. The system is then attached to 100 percent real hair: Depending on the condition of your scalp and the size of the hair system, it is attached to the skin either with a special liquid adhesive, skin-friendly adhesive tape strips, or a mix of both. Don’t worry; everything is completely invisible and super durable. Finally, the incision follows: The stylist cuts a transition from your remaining real hair to the hairpiece so that no deceptive edges remain later. Anything is possible when it comes to cutting, as long as your hair on the sides and back of the head is of the appropriate length. Anyone interested in OC Hairsystems can take advantage of a free video consultation as a first step in which their personal hair situation and an on-site appointment are discussed.
  • With the Folium step-by-step method from HairDreams, especially for men, a small toupee is first glued on, which becomes larger every month when it is replaced, so that the transition to more hair again is unobtrusive and gives the impression that the hair is growing back.

Why do men suffer so much from hair loss?

Compared to their European neighbors, Germans suffer significantly more psychologically from their hair problems, according to a survey by the GALLUP institute among 1,500 European men. 62 percent of all Europeans say that hair loss affects their self-esteem. it is even 76 percent. And while hair loss causes depression in an average of 21 percent of those affected across Europe, in Germany it is 43 percent.

Many also perceive hair loss as a brake on flirting: 46 percent feel inhibited from approaching women because of their thinning hair. More than one in three Germans also believe that they receive less attention when flirting because of their hair loss (38 percent). 68 percent say hair loss makes them insecure.

Do women still find bald men attractive?

Luckily, it’s unlikely that hair combed over the forehead à la Donald Trump will ever become a trend. These tricks will make you appear much more confident and attractive despite progressive hair loss:

  • Give yourself a side parting. Although it emphasizes the receding hairline on one side, a quiff on the other side still creates an impression of fullness.
  • Wear baseball caps or hats that cover advanced hair loss. However, the remaining hair underneath should not be longer than 5 to 6 millimeters long.
  • Combine your bald head with a 3-day beard trimmed to the same length. Read here how to properly shave and care for your head.

Before you embark on the hair transplant adventure or spend a lot of money to grow your hair back, you should at least think about whether baldness would really be a visual disadvantage for you. Not every type of man has a bald head, no question about it. But more and more men are embracing their thinning hair. And more and more women find bald men sexy.

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