Hair-Free for Weeks: This is How Men Epilate Properly

Do you shave out of habit but are always annoyed by stubble? Then try epilating. Here’s how to do it correctly

Have you ever thought about epilating? Probably not. Unfortunately, this type of hair removal is very focused on a female target group, as it has its origins in leg hair removal and is more commonly used by women. Of course, the depilatory devices can not only make legs smooth but also every other part of the body – including men’s. The alternative to shaving has many advantages: After epilation, there is no stubble or razor burn – but up to 4 weeks of smooth skin – if you do it right. And the right device isn’t a bad idea either.

What exactly is epilation?

Epilating means removing all of the hair at its roots using an epilator. The whole thing works using a sophisticated tweezer system in the rotating head of a handy electrical device. Several tweezers grasp the hair at the same time and pull it out at the root.

Can men epilate?

Of course, they can! Epilation has a feminine image, yes. But anyone who wants to get rid of hair can epilate. Epilation is good, especially for men. Their hair is usually thicker than that of women, grows faster after shaving, and causes nasty skin irritations such as ingrown hairs and blemishes. Are you plagued by razor bumps? Then read here what you can do about it. And use an epilator in the future.

How much does an epilator for men cost?

Epilators cost between 25 and 80 euros, but the cheaper ones usually do not include additional attachments for the different parts of the body. As an entry-level device, we recommend the compact Philips Satinelle Essential (see above).

A high-quality but inexpensive device. Even if you realize that epilation isn’t for you, the device won’t burn a hole in your wallet. You got a taste for epilators a long time ago. Then we recommend the Braun Silk-épil 9 epilator. The device comes with shaving and trimming attachments and is essentially the Porsche of epilators.

How painful is it to epilate?

Many people can cope perfectly with the pain caused by epilation. You can dose it yourself by tightening the skin and carefully proceeding centimeter by centimeter. Sure, it still drags. It’s unpleasant, but nothing compared to the strong rattle in the waxing studio, I promise!

Which parts of the body can I epilate?

Anyone whose hair bothers you. But be careful: the pain varies everywhere. Chest and legs are relatively insensitive. Armpits especially the intimate area are quite painful and are only for hard-core people. You can also remove back hair with the epilator. However, this is difficult to do alone.

What is the optimal hair length for epilation?

Advantage of waxing: You don’t have to grow a fur first and then pluck it out. With modern epilators, it is enough when the first stubble becomes noticeable and visible. In concrete terms, this means: The correct length for epilating is between 0.5 and 5 millimeters. To do this, shave once before epilating for the first time and then epilate after 3 to 7 days – depending on how quickly your hair grows.

What do I have to pay attention to when epilating?

If you follow these 6 tips when epilating, you will catch all the hair and the skin will stay smoother for longer:

  1. The perfect timing: The best time to epilate is in the evening. Any minor skin irritations will have disappeared the next morning.
  2. Pay attention to the direction of epilation: It is logical to epilate against the direction of growth so that shorter hairs can also be captured.
  3. Always take it easy! Move the device slowly over the skin. A stroke across the chest takes around 15 seconds at the optimal pace. If you are too fast, the hair will just break instead of disappearing with the roots. Then, oh well, they grow back more quickly.
  4. Please don’t put any pressure! The epilator also finds its way.
  5. The right angle: Move the epilator upwards against the direction of hair growth. This straightens shorter hair and the result is smoother.
  6. Maintain tension: If you stretch your skin during epilation – with the fingers of your free hand – you will get the hair the best. This is particularly important in difficult areas in the bends of the skin.

How often do you have to epilate?

Just like waxing, you can enjoy the comfort of up to 4 weeks of smooth skin. In the first month, however, you have to do it every week (much better than shaving every other day, right?). This way you can usually “catch” all the hairs in every growth phase.

After that, it is sufficient to epilate approximately every 2 to 4 weeks, depending on hair growth. Because the hair is pulled out of the skin at the root, it must first be completely regenerated by the body before it grows finely out of the skin again at some point. No stubble occurs when epilating.

Anyone who epilates regularly can look forward to up to 4 weeks of rest, smooth skin, and increasingly fine hair growth. And because the skin gets used to epilating, it tugs less and less over time.
