Cool Celebrity Hairstyles For Men With Hair Loss

Celebrity men like Harry Styles and Jude Law are not spared from hair loss. With these styles, you can make your hair fuller

It’s hair-raising. In 95 percent of all cases, hair loss is hereditary and hormonally related. Testosterone is the same hormone that makes muscles grow and can destroy hair. Illnesses, stress, or medication are the cause of only 5 percent of those affected.

But even if you belong to the majority of men, there is no reason to let your balding head hang. A trip to the hairdresser usually helps to restore your attractiveness despite hair loss. And there are also effective remedies for hair loss, like this one.

The right hairstyle for the first signs of hair loss

Hair loss does not stop, even in young men. The best example is “Gossip Girl” star Ed Westwick (33), who has had a slightly receding hairline and a high forehead for years.

Ed Westwick Receding Hairline
Clever: Ed Westwick parts his hair on the side with the smaller receding hairline. Photo: Cubankite /

The Westwick solution Pull the hair voluminously away from the face instead of combing it flat over the corners; this only makes the mat appear even thinner.

Here’s how it works: Rub some mattifying styling cream or wax into your hands and spread it into the spaces between your fingers. We recommend the L’Oréal Paris Studio Line Special FX Remix Fiber Paste for styling. It gives a good hold but doesn’t stick the hair together uncomfortably. Then run your fingers through damp (!) hair from below and essentially fluff up the hair. Blow-dry the mat diagonally backward with a small round brush (e.g. from The Beardy Bro ).

Finally, pick up some styling paste again and accentuate a few strands with your fingers, and you’re done. If you’re also interested, you can find the coolest beard trends from the stars here.

Undone styling makes large receding hairlines appear smaller

Singer Harry Styles is only 27 but already has a fairly large receding hairline.

Have you never noticed them?

That’s because the Brit cleverly hides them.

Singer Harry Styles Receding Hairline
Singer Harry Styles shows how long hair works despite a receding hairline: casually blow-dried back. Photo: lev radin /

The Styles solution: blow-dry more volume into the remaining hair. Because the hair looks fuller overall, the thinner forehead area is no longer as noticeable, even if you wear your hair back.

Here’s how it works: Volume spray: we recommend the long-term volume blow-dry active styling spray from Guhl – distribute through damp hair. Blow dry all your hair wildly backward. Use your fingers, not a brush. An accurate round brush quiff would unfavorably emphasize the angular line at the hairline.

To perfect the out-of-bed look, spray some salt spray into your hair and twirl individual strands between your fingers. Done! Have you read our test report for pomades, etc.? If not, you can find the best styling products for men’s hair here

Ever-higher forehead

It’s almost a trademark of British actor Jude Law (48): a receding forehead area.

Actor Jude Law Tousled Hair
Actor Jude Law knows that tousled hair is flattering. Photo: DFree /

The Law Solution: Don’t even try to hide your high forehead with longer hair! The remaining hair is too thin for that anyway. Then with a hat or a baseball cap. The hairstyle itself should not exceed a maximum hair length of three centimeters and should be worn backward.

When the top of your head slowly becomes balder

Typical—and not just—for Jason Statham (53): at some point, a receding hairline is accompanied by hair loss in the tonsure area.

Actor Jason Statham hair loss and shaves head
Actor Jason Statham admits to his hair loss and shaves his head. Photo: DFree /

The Statham Solution: Stop hair loss and shave your head bald! But not directly with a wet razor, but with a trimmer. If a few short stubbles remain, the face is framed softly, and the look is completed with the matching three-day beard. We recommend the bald razor from Skull Shaver to imitators; it is adapted to the shape of the skull and catches all the hair.

The celebrity men show the way: It’s better to embrace your receding hairline than to desperately try to cover it up. This not only looks more casual but also makes the hair appear fuller.

By the way, you can find more hairstyle ideas for men with hair loss here.

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