5 Beard Care Styling Rules for a Well-Groomed

Three-day beard, full beard, or mustache: The hair on your face needs to be cared for. Here you will find tips for proper beard care

Just let it grow and be fine. Unfortunately, it’s not that easy. Unfortunately, nature has blessed only very few men with an even beard and soft hair.

This is how you keep your beard in top shape.

Beard care step 1: wash your hair

Yes, beard hair needs to be washed daily! On the one hand, sweat and food particles accumulate in the gaps between the hair over the day. On the other hand, the skin sheds dead cells every day that get caught in the hair and can irritate the skin of the face.

The best way to clean your beard is with your daily shower. But please don’t use shower gel, as that would dry out the beard hair and quickly make it look brittle.

Better: just rinse with water and use a special beard shampoo about every three days. And if you don’t have that at hand, at least use a mild hair shampoo. Just like for your hair, there is also a conditioner for your beard. A beard conditioner makes the rough hair a little softer, so it doesn’t scratch as much and is easier to style later. Simply massage a small amount into your still-damp beard, rinse, and you’re done.

Beard care tip: Be careful when drying! Don’t rub or rub, just pat dry; beard hair quickly split ends. Therefore, be careful when blow-drying. If you want to blow dry your beard quickly, don’t do it too hot.

Beard care step 2: trim the wild growth

Only a regularly trimmed or trimmed beard will grow evenly and look well-groomed. Otherwise, a full beard will fray and mustaches can become an involuntary dirt-trap. You can easily trim 3-day beards with a shaving attachment on your electric razor. Special beard scissors are suitable for trimming longer beards to bring the hair back to the same length.

Beard care tip: Pay particular attention to ensuring that the contours of the desired beard shape are visible. This means your beard automatically looks well-groomed. The area where the sideburns merge into the beard needs to be touched up particularly often.

Beard Care Styling Rules
A beard needs more care than a shaved face. Photo: Drew Hays/Unsplash.com

Beard care step 3: tame stubborn hair

No matter the length of the beard, a beard needs more care than a shaved face. In addition to washing, shaving, and trimming, the daily care ritual also includes massaging beard oil. This makes the beard’s hair less prickly. Your girlfriend will thank you.

Beard care tip: Simply put 2 or 3 drops on your fingertips, rub in, and run your fingers through your beard. This way, you care for your beard hair and the skin on your chin. It makes the beard softer, and more malleable and gives it an elegant shine.

Beard care step 4: comb the beard into shape

Just as combing your hair is part of your daily morning ritual, your beard should also be combed every day. In this way, you may be able to conceal gaps in the beard and immediately see whether the beard hair has grown evenly or perhaps needs to be trimmed again soon.

Beard care tip: A beard comb is particularly suitable for smaller beards, such as a mustache. A fluffy beard brush is the ideal grooming equipment for those with a full beard.

Beard care step 5: Styling for a well-groomed beard

Bad hair day on your face? Special styling products offer quick help here. After the care routine, a wax or balm is ideal for trendy beard hairstyles like this one. Such styling products for the beard give the hair enough hold and shape without leaving stiff beard hair.

Beard care tip: A wax stick is perfect for on-the-go. Simply apply the wax—similar to lip balm—directly to the beard, shape it with your fingers, and you’re done.

Beard care products such as beard combs, brushes, scissors, shampoo, and oil are not frills but are an essential part of maintaining and caring for a beard.

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