Women Find These Beard Styles The Most Attractive

Clean-shaven, full beard, or stubble—this survey shows what kind of facial hair women love in men

Of course, the inner values ​​count. But the truth is that others will classify you as a stereotype based on your beard style.

The good news is that this is easy to see through. A study by Parship examined whether and which beards women like.

The result: don’t have too much hair on your face, and please don’t experiment with shaving! We reveal what this means in detail here.

Which beard do women like best?

When it comes to women, a well-groomed stubble is at the top of their sexiness hit list. According to a survey of around 400 women by the online dating agency Parship, almost half of those surveyed (45 percent) agree: A stubble makes men sexy. No other facial hair scored so well in the attractiveness check. Of course, clothing can also have an influence on your attractiveness. That’s why here you’ll find men’s outfits that no woman can resist.

Does shaving speed up beard growth
With short stubble, you are particularly well-received by women. Photo: Taylor / Unsplash.com

Does beard stubble get in the way when kissing?

When kissing, women like things to be tender. At least one in five said they preferred “topless” to scratchy stubble. Everyone else doesn’t mind.

How do women find full beards?

Only 9 percent of female respondents like it hairy. Trend or not, stylish beards are not well received by women. One in ten people has no use for hairy facial decorations. No matter what form it takes, the beard is an absolute love killer for her. So, get rid of the beard. Here are tips for the perfect shave.

Do women like mustaches?

Regardless of whether it’s a twirl or a classic mustache, only 2 percent of women have a hairy upper lip that gets their hearts pumping. During Movember, the ladies will certainly make an exception in their dating behavior. After all, if you grow a mustache now, you’re doing something good, and you’ll get into conversation with some women.

What type of beard do women find most attractive? The ranking at a glance

“A three-day beard is particularly sexy”45%
“I like it clean-shaven best”20%
“I don’t care at all as long as the rest is right”11%
“Beards, no matter what form they take, are a love killer for me”10%
“I like it hairy! Full beards are great!”9%
“A goatee makes my heart beat faster”3%
“Moustaches make me weak”2%
“I like individual beards. The more unusual, the better”0%

Conclusion: With the right beard hairstyle, you can wrap women around your finger

When it comes to the relationship between women and beards, it can be summarized: the more unusual, the worse. None of those surveyed said they were into creations such as the imperial whiskers or the sideburn beard. If you wear a beard like this, you still don’t have to despair: 11 percent of those surveyed don’t care at all what facial jewelry the man wears; the main thing is that the chemistry is right.
