The Best Foods For Hair Loss in Men

Now more often on your menu: the best-concentrated food for a full mane. This is how you eat your hair beautifully!

Steak, sweet potato, and spinach. This sounds like a perfect lunch, not a recipe for fuller hair. It is both. The proteins in steak, the B vitamins in sweet potatoes, and the antioxidants in spinach can ensure that your head looks fuller, healthier, and more masculine – in short: better.

See: 6 turbo tips for hair growth

What role does nutrition play in hair growth?

What you eat has a big impact on the texture of your hair. If vitamins and minerals are missing, hair, skin, and nails suffer first, as the body primarily supplies the vital organs. Below, we have summarized for you which nutrients your hair roots need so that your hair has optimal growth conditions and what you should eat to counteract hair loss:

Vitamins B counteracts hair loss

Some people take biotin capsules, also known as vitamin B7 or vitamin H, as a dietary supplement to combat baldness. Experts are still arguing about whether and to what extent biotin alone can influence hair loss. However, it is undisputed among scientists that the entire vitamin B complex group has a positive influence on skin and hair.

“The older we get, the lower our body’s production of vitamin B is,” says New York nutritionist Stephanie Middleberg. “They play an enormously important role for the hair, as they are part of the basis of the hair roots.” And if you want your hair to be firmly rooted for as long as possible, you should regularly add foods containing vitamin B to your diet.

Foods rich in vitamin B to combat hair loss include nuts, eggs, sweet potatoes, and oatmeal.

Proteins strengthen hair

Do you want to build muscle and, therefore, eat more protein?

Excellent! Proteins not only strengthen the muscles but also the hair roots from which the hair is produced. And the more optimally the hair roots work, the stronger the hair that leaves them is. And that is essential for more volume. For a full mane, not only the number of hairs on the head plays a role, but also the thickness of the individual hairs.

Nutrition tip for strong hair: “Eat protein with every meal, even every snack,” advises Middleberg. For example, beef, chicken, fish, kidney beans and nuts.

Silicone ensures healthy, shiny men’s hair

The trace element silicon is also said to influence hair growth. Middleberg: “Silicon helps to heal bone fractures, strengthen connective tissue, and optimize the structure of hair.” If there is enough silicon available to the hair, it is incorporated into the hair structure. As a result, your hair looks less thin but shinier and healthier.

There is plenty of silicon in cucumbers, green beans, strawberries, mangoes, celery and leeks.

Antioxidants strengthen hair

“If you want strong hair and nails, you should make sure you have enough antioxidants in your diet,” advises Middleberg. “Antioxidants fight free radicals that damage cell membranes, for example, from sun rays or air pollution.”

To prevent hair damage from free radicals, eat spinach or other green vegetables as often as possible. Fatty acids containing 0mega-3, which are found in abundance in avocados and fish, are also good radical scavengers.

This is how foods can work optimally for full-hair

For all the good ingredients to have their full effect, your stomach must be able to utilize them optimally. And you also influence this: “Your digestive tract is home to good and bad bacteria,” says Middleberg. “You need good bacteria in the majority to be able to optimally absorb the nutrients from food.”

Probiotics are ideal for this. Or add fermented foods such as miso, kimchi, kombucha, or kefir to your diet.

Are you wondering whether beer can also be counted as a fermented food? Well, if it is unfiltered, unpasteurized, and available without additives. Then, instead of wine, you should enjoy a good glass of beer with your steak—for the sake of full hair.

What are the benefits of nutritional supplements against hair loss?

Of course, no tablet replaces a healthy diet. But if the hair does not grow as desired, we recommend visiting a specialist dermatologist. Defects can be identified during a blood analysis and then treated with tailored preparations. The vitamins and minerals in the dietary supplements help to provide the body with everything it needs for optimal hair growth.

However, keep in mind that you should take nutritional supplements for several months to see results and that the pills can only work if there is a deficiency. So be sure to talk to your doctor before taking hair tablets.

Conclusion: The right diet ensures strong hair

A one-sided diet low in vitamins and nutrients affects the hair roots. B vitamins, proteins, silicon, and antioxidants are particularly important for hair growth.

This means eating lots of green vegetables, fish or steak more often, nuts and fruit. And hang in there, because it takes a while. before the better-cared-for hair sprouts from the scalp.

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