Natural Oils: A Guarantee of The Best Hair Regeneration

Despite what some might think, this is not just a fashion trend but a new dimension in hair care. If there was a Nobel Prize for cosmetics, it would go to natural oils. Without a doubt, oils are the best choice if you dream of healthy hair, skin, and nails. If you want your hair to finally be strong, voluminous, and shiny, choose care that will be in harmony with nature and use the power of natural oils. Why are they an irreplaceable solution to any hair problem? What is so unique about their composition, how do they affect the hair, and which oil is the best to choose for hair oiling? You will read the story of “gold medalists” in the field of care.

Natural hair oils—what are they?

Oils are generally essences obtained from the seeds, kernels, and shoots of plants. They are pressed to retain as many valuable elements as possible in their composition; the most suitable method of obtaining these valuable substances is the so-called cold pressing. The oils are unrefined and make up the “natural essence of beauty”. It is a summary of the most valuable that the given plant has to offer, and its regenerative power is enormous.

Natural oils for hair: properties and composition

The secret to the effectiveness of natural oils and their enormous regenerative potential lies in their composition. As already mentioned, oils acquire all the valuable properties of the plant from which they come.

In addition, they are a source of substances that are essential for skin and hair, including:

  • Essential fatty acids (EFAs) occur in different proportions, depending on the particular oil. Fatty acids are necessary for the proper functioning of the body. They control the correctness of all processes in the body, including those that support regeneration. They affect the elasticity and resistance of the hair. They are the building material from which the body obtains substances necessary for cell regeneration. In addition, they treat and repair any disorders and soothe imbalances on the scalp.
  • Phytosterols are a group of plant sterols with a significant antioxidant effect. They neutralize free radicals and, in addition, can stimulate collagen synthesis and minimize elastin degradation. They take care of maintaining the youth and elasticity of the hair, strongly moisturize and strengthen the skin, have anti-inflammatory and antibacterial properties that positively affect the scalp, accelerate hair regeneration, and prevent further damage.
  • Flavonoids: compounds that prevent premature aging of the skin and hair, are one of the most valuable things in the cosmetic industry. Flavonoids effectively trap free radicals and neutralize their effects, plus they repair damage to hair, skin, or nails while protecting them from harmful sunlight. Flavonoids regenerate, improve condition, and prevent damage.
  • Phospholipids: an important cosmetic component, necessary for maintaining the youth of the skin and hair. Phospholipids are like a binder that fills the intercellular spaces in the body. They smooth the hair and make it strong and thick. They also speed up hair regeneration and ensure that the scalp holds the hair firmly in the hair follicles.
  • Vitamins: Natural oils can contain several to dozens of vitamins. In any case, each oil is a source of vitamins valuable for health and beautiful hair, for example, vitamins A, C, and E. Many oils also contain several B vitamins that contribute to proper hair growth.
  • Minerals: oils are rich in various minerals that strengthen the hair, promote its growth, and prevent its thinning. The most important of these include magnesium, selenium, zinc, and iron. They are also responsible for providing energy to the cells of the hair matrix and improving the function of enzymes that affect the proper structure and growth of hair.
  • Squalane: a component of human sebum, which is also found in several natural oils. Its composition restores the hydro-lipid balance, regulates sebum production, and fights against excessive peeling of the skin. In addition, it moisturizes dry hair and skin. Thanks to the oils, even oily hair receives perfect care focused on its needs.

Natural oils: what effect do they have on hair?

In addition to high-quality nourishing and regenerating ingredients, natural oils in hair care have another valuable property: they are safe for the skin and hair follicles. The oils reach the hair follicles and strengthen them from the inside. This ensures longer, stronger, and healthier hair and prevents hair loss. The oils clean the scalp perfectly, leaving it properly hydrated and healthy. You will no longer have to worry about dandruff or excessive skin peeling. Strong bulbs and a refreshed, healthy scalp are the key factors in getting bouncy, beautiful, and thick hair.

Natural hair oils – how is the hair after oil treatment?

The secret to the effectiveness of the oil lies in the regularity of its use. By using hair oils once or twice a week, you can expect incredible results.

How does hair look after oiling and what are the benefits of using oils?

Natural oils for hair: division and classification

Before starting your adventure with oils and hair oil treatment, it’s important to know that oils differ in composition, particle size, and type of fatty acids. The key to beautiful hair is the right choice of oil. We have to adapt it to the porosity of the hair, which means the condition and appearance of the hair. Each of the three particle sizes has different hair penetration capabilities. What does the overall distribution of oils look like?

Which hair oil should I choose for an oil treatment?

To enjoy beautiful hair like never before, the type of oil must match the porosity of the hair – that is, the type of keratin scales located along the hair fiber. You can easily determine hair porosity using an online hair porosity test. The short test includes a set of questions about hair care, hair appearance, hair condition, etc. Just look at your hair carefully and when you know your hair better, you will be able to choose the right oil or a well-combined mixture of oils – one of the three versions.

How to use hair oil? Hair oiling methods

Hair oiling is a treatment that has been known for centuries in the countries of the Orient. Hindus consider it a beautifying ritual that strengthens not only the hair but also the bonds between women in the family. Hair oiling is not complicated – it consists of applying oil to the hair and (mainly) to the scalp. There are dozens of hair oiling methods – it’s worth trying them out and tailoring the treatment to your personal needs, preferences, and the amount of time you want to devote to the treatment.

Natural oils for hair – an overview

Natural oils get a lot of positive feedback from hairdressers, bloggers, hair lovers, and stylists. They are even recommended by trichologists as a strengthening treatment against hair loss associated with the change of seasons. Why? Natural oils are completely safe and their regenerative power is enormous.

Regular hair oiling allows you to achieve effects similar to luxurious and expensive salon hair treatments. What’s more, it can be done in the comfort of your own home, allowing you to relax as well. After oiling the hair, many women compare the appearance of their hair with the effects achieved by the effect of hair lamination.

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