How to Remove Nose Hair Correctly and Safely

Pluck or cut? What you should pay attention to when removing nose hair. Your life could depend on it (no joke!)

Nose hairs tickle, look strange, and appear whenever someone looks at you. An unkempt beard can still be forgiven as harsh masculinity. But whoever has a forest growing out of his nostrils has lost.

So, get rid of the wild growth! But how?

A careless groomer can make some typical mistakes when caring for nose hair, one of which is potentially life-threatening. So before you start plucking wildly, concentrate for 4 minutes.

We examined seven methods for removing nose hair. Worrying: Only 2 of these are recommended.

What functions do nose hairs have?

Before you remove your nose hair, you should know that nose hairs may tickle, but they don’t grow for fun or pure boredom. They have a function, like the bear-like back hair in men, which is an evolutionary remnant against cold. We’ll tell you how to properly remove back hair here.

But now back to the topic: nose hairs are a necessary and natural protective shield. The hairs, which are just a few centimeters short, filter bacteria, dust, and dirt particles from the air we breathe. They protect the lungs and windpipe from unhealthy exhaust gases and foreign bodies. For example, if you live in a big city and ride your bike to work, you can be happy about the hair on the inside of your nose. Which doesn’t mean you can’t still remove the visible part.

Should you remove your nose hair at all?

From a medical point of view, there is no need for this. Nose hair is primarily an aesthetic problem. Even a single dark hair protruding from one nostril is considered unappetizing. But you shouldn’t remove nose hair completely anyway. Because, as you have now learned, they serve as dirt filters.

pluck nose hair
You should never pluck nose hair. Photo: Dean Drobot /

What methods and nose-hair removal tools are there?

1: Pluck nose hairs

Pulling out your nose hairs with tweezers or your fingers might be an obvious idea. But exactly this method is a no-go. And not because it’s painful.

The real reason this procedure could be fatal for you. Tearing causes small tears to form in the nasal mucosa. The many bacteria found on the mucous membrane easily and quickly enter the bloodstream through these micro-wounds.

Result: infections. And not just any, warns ENT doctor Dr. Erich Voigt (New York University). The veins in the nose also lead to the brain. The bacteria from the nasal mucosa can therefore develop into a life-threatening inflammation of the meninges (meningitis). However, other specialists classify this assessment as theoretically possible but practically “exaggerated.” Why play with your own life when there are far better and safer methods? Which are also less painful. By the way, these are the best methods for removing ear hair.

2: Laser nose hair

Permanently removing nose hair is possible. But experts strongly advise against it. The high temperatures destroy the hair roots and damage the sensitive nasal mucosa.

The result is that the natural filter function no longer works, and the risk of infection increases.

3: Remove nose hair with special creams

Hair removal cream contains chemicals. They have no place on the sensitive nasal mucosa. So: stay away!

4: Flame away nose hairs

Burn away nose hairs with a lighter. Eh, no. Hands off. This is as dangerous as it is stupid.

5: Remove nose hair with wax

Similar to plucking, nose hairs are also torn out by the root as they grow. Here too, the risk of infection increases again. The variant can also be quite painful. We have put together the best hair removal methods for men for you here.

Instead, use these two low-risk methods to get rid of annoying nose hairs:

6: Trim nose hair

Use nail scissors (not rusted) with rounded ends and disinfect them to be on the safe side. This way, you avoid injuries and infections.

Turn on the light. Push the tip of your nose slightly upwards from below (“pig nose”) so that you can get a good view of your hair. Then carefully trim the nose hairs that are too long by a few millimeters.

7: Trim nose hair

Special electric nose hair trimmers or cutters are very suitable for removing nose hair. They are effective and have a low risk of injury, and some devices are also suitable for overgrown ear hair.

Clean your nose before using the trimmer. Stuck nose hair is difficult to cut. Turn on the trimmer before inserting it into your nose. Pay attention to quality when purchasing. Bad blades or low-power motors won’t cut properly, and the shaving head can get caught in your nose hair (ouch!). In both cases, there is a risk of nosebleeds.

Conclusion: trim your nose hair, but do it right

Shortening your nose hair is as much a part of a cultivated appearance as regular visits to the hairdresser. Nose hairs also act as the body’s dirt filter for the air we breathe. You should never pull out your nose hair, as this will damage the nasal mucosa and, in the worst-case scenario, give you a nasty infection.

Therefore: only shorten nose hairs that are too long by using rounded nail scissors or a trimmer.
