The Best Hair Loss Tips and Tricks for Healthy and Full Hair

A healthy scalp is often underestimated and can, among other things, protect against hair loss. With the right tips and tricks from the experts, healthy, full hair can easily become a reality. We’ll tell you here exactly what you need to do

Hair is more than just a hairstyle. They can be an expression of personality and, of course, of health. This makes it all the more important that you give them the attention they deserve. Adults have between 80,000 and 120,000 hairs on their heads, up to 100 of which fall out every day, which is completely normal. But if there are visibly more, it is important to take SOS measures and tackle the problems.

Dr. Christian Merkel from the “Hair Center at the Opera” in Munich explains why crises on the scalp can occur again and again: “There are a lot of sebaceous glands there. The scalp is also exposed to external influences that change depending on the season. This is in summer, especially UV radiation, but in winter, often dry heating air.” What helps is thoughtful hair care.

Removing sebum from the scalp is good. However, over-care by washing, blow-drying, or straightening your hair too often can lead to disharmony. “The result is often a dry and flaky scalp or even hair loss,” says the expert. Moisturizing and mild shampoos with hyaluronic acid or urea are ideal for daily use, as are conditioners, masks, tonics, and serums that are used in a similar way to skin care.

How do I care for my hair after washing it?

“A peeling that is used regularly, but not too often, frees the scalp and its hair follicles from sweat, dirt, and styling residues such as silicones or microplastics, and in this way ensures deep cleansing,” continued Merkel. Such an extensive hair care ritual beyond shampooing has almost become normal since the so-called skinification trend began. The idea behind this is to treat the scalp with the same care as the face.

Merkel: “Hair should be brushed before washing. This removes loose hair and prevents vital hair from being torn out.” You can, of course, style your hair after washing, but a coarse-toothed comb is recommended. Furthermore, you should never blow-dry too hot and hold the hairdryer at some distance from the hair. “Going to sleep with wet hair and a towel wrapped around it is not a particularly good idea. Constant contact with water causes the scalp to dry out,” adds the hair expert.

What are the benefits of nutritional supplements for hair?

Many people immediately turn to nutritional supplements as soon as they notice that hair loss is increasing. This can have a short-term effect. “If hair loss begins, I recommend a thorough laboratory examination first to determine whether a lack of vitamins and trace elements is the cause,” says Merkel.

It could turn out that the reasons are to be found elsewhere:

  • Is the hair loss possibly hormonal?
  • Do medications play a role in this? Maybe there is a thyroid disease?
  • Does hair fall evenly over the entire head (diffuse alopecia) or in patches (as in circular hair loss)?
  • Is it scarring hair loss due to a fungal disease or due to chronic complaints?

Hair expert Merkel knows: “Some of these conditions can be treated with vitamins and proteins as an infusion or mesotherapy into the scalp to stimulate hair growth.” If you lose hair over a long period, you should consult a specialist if in doubt. “But it doesn’t do any harm to take a course of nutritional supplements over 2 to 3 months to create an oversupply of vitamins and trace elements that the body excretes. You must stop taking them afterward.”

We hope we were able to give you a few helpful tips and tricks on how you can do something good for your scalp and, therefore, your hair.
